Section: Resistance, responses and collaboration

Resistance, responses and collaboration

This pamphlet, disguised as a horticultural guide on how to care for cacti, conceals material from the German Communist Party's 1935 Brussels Conference including a manifesto and an article entitled 'the new way to overcome the common struggle of all working people for the overthrow of the Hitler dictatorship'. C.1935.
In Nazi Germany, Tarnschriften (anti-Nazi or illegal pamphlets camouflaged as everyday publications) were used to resist Nazi rule and spread opposition. This pamphlet, published in 1934, contained anti-Nazi jokes and humour. To avoid detection and allow for easy distribution, it was disguised as a SA songbook, and even pretended to be published by Franz Eher Nachfolger – the central publishing house of the Nazi Party.

At each stage of the Nazis’ persecution of Jews and others that they deemed ‘undesirable’, people resisted their rule, responded to their policies, and collaborated with them in a variety of ways.

This section will explore how people, groups and countries across the world reacted to the Nazi rule and persecution.

Topics in this section

Individual Responses
German collaboration and complicity
Collaboration outside of Germany
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Survival and legacy

Survival and legacy

What happened in March