Section: Life before the Holocaust

Life before the Holocaust

Members of the Robinsohn family out on a walk in 1928. The Robinsohn’s were a German-Jewish family from Hamburg who fled Nazi persecution in the late 1930s.
Members of the Robinsohn family out on a walk in 1928. The Robinsohn’s were a German-Jewish family from Hamburg who fled Nazi persecution in the late 1930s.

Courtesy of The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections.

The history of Judaism, of Roma and Sinti and of other groups persecuted by the Nazis is rich and diverse. The Holocaust wiped out complete communities, most of which were not rebuilt following the war.

This section aims to uncover what everyday life was like for these lost communities pre-Holocaust.

Topics in this section

Pre-war Jewish life
Jewish beliefs
Jewish culture
Pre-war Roma life
Pre-war Homosexual life
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