Childhood in Nazi Germany

Childhood in Nazi Germany

A page of a colouring book for young child about the Hitler Youth, produced in Germany in the 1930s.

A page of a colouring book for young child about the Hitler Youth, produced in Germany in the 1930s.

Courtesy of The Wiener Holocaust Library Collections.

The Nazis aimed to indoctrinate the younger population was through reforming the education system.

They wanted to de-intellectualise learning: they did not want education to provoke people to ask questions or think for themselves. They believed this approach would instill obedience and belief in the Nazi worldview, creating the ideal future generation.

This educational resource focuses what life was like for children growing up in Nazi Germany.  It is expected that this educational resource would be used as part of a scheme of learning exploring the Holocaust.

Please use the links below to download the worksheet and primary sources.

All sources are courtesy of The Wiener Holocaust Library and can be reproduced for educational purposes only. The Wiener Holocaust Library should be acknowledged in all reproductions.



To download the PDF worksheet click on the link below. To download images, click onto the
desired image and press ‘download’ at the bottom of the picture.